Instructions for Tripod game.
"Start Game" starts the 90-second timer. Get one point per valid match found; lose 10 seconds per invalid match.
Each of four properties (shape, number, shading, color) must independently be all the same or all different. Examples:
OK (same shade, color, number different shape) |
invalid (shape is not "all same" or "all different") |
OK (same shade, color, different shape, number) |
invalid (number is not "all same" or "all different") |
OK (same color, different shade, number, shape) |
invalid (shade is not "all same" or "all different") |
OK (all four properties are different) |
Skill levels: Easier levels have fewer properties that vary.
Cheat Mode: (Misnamed, really...) Alternative way to play/practice. Pre-selects the first two cards of a match, just click the third.
Note: There is always at least one match on screen at a given time.